Comfortable in My Own Skin (CIMS)

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January 26 – 27

AGES 13-18

Location: SCSU, Grand Ballroom, 501 Crescent Street New Haven, CT 06515

Empowering Girls
to Feel Comfortable In Their Skin
CIMS New Haven

CIMS (Comfortable In My Skin) is excited to announce our upcoming event in New Haven on January 26-27 at the Southern Connecticut State University Ball Room. This event is aimed at empowering girls throughout New Haven County and providing them a platform to celebrate and enjoy themselves. With two exciting days of activities, discussions, and networking, CIMS New Haven promises to be an event that girls won’t want to miss.

Girls Night Out – January 26:

On the evening of January 26, we invite 100 girls from across New Haven County to join us for an unforgettable Girls Night Out. The attire for the evening is party dresses, as it will be a night filled with fun, dance, engaging activities, and delicious food. This is an opportunity for girls to come together, celebrate one another, and make lasting memories in a supportive and vibrant environment.

Saturday Conference – January 27:

The Saturday conference, taking place from 9 AM to 4 PM, will provide girls with a unique opportunity to learn from some of New Haven County’s finest Black businesswomen. Engaging in breakout sessions, girls will have the chance to explore topics such as entrepreneurship, public speaking, hair, makeup, skincare, health, nutrition, and even fashion design. This conference aims to equip girls with valuable skills, inspire their creativity, and encourage them to pursue their dreams with confidence.

Breakout Sessions:

Throughout the day, girls will have the chance to participate in various breakout sessions where they can delve deeper into specific areas of interest. These sessions will be led by accomplished businesswomen and professionals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experiences. Whether it’s learning about starting a business, mastering public speaking, improving skin care routines, or exploring the latest fashion trends, girls will have access to a wealth of knowledge and resources.

Key Highlights:

  • Engaging breakout sessions led by New Haven County’s finest Black businesswomen
  • Topics include entrepreneurship, public speaking, hair, makeup, skincare, health, nutrition, and fashion design
  • Fun and interactive sessions encouraging girls to explore their passions and pursue their dreams
  • Networking opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and mentors
  • Inspiring guest speakers and panel discussions

CIMS New Haven is an empowering event aimed at instilling confidence and self-acceptance among girls. It’s an opportunity for them to celebrate their unique identities, learn important life skills, and connect with influential women in various industries. By equipping girls with knowledge and resources, CIMS New Haven strives to leave a lasting impact on their personal growth and development.

Don’t miss out on this incredible experience! 

Join us at Southern Connecticut State University Ball Room on January 26-27 and become a part of this empowering movement.

Registration Form
